Sunday, May 30, 2010

You Go Girl...

Oh man I should have got a picture of our registration for "You Go Girl". Diana and I met up with Tall Mom today to turn in our team registration for our half marathon September 26th. This is the first year and its all women and it's in my backyard...PRICELESS! (Well it isn't actually priceless, in fact it's kind of a pricey race, but the memories from the race will be PRICELESS). Diana and I had talked about doing it and decided to put a team together hoping we could save a little money on the way. We weren't sure we would get 12 people but to our surprise we got more than 20 gal's registered today. Should be an amazing race. It will be nice to have something to train for after my marathon and relay this summer. I am really excited too because Tonia at Racing with Babes is coming to race with us. Luckily we were able to steal her info from facebook to get her registered...but it was ok...she knew about it. Whewww...that was a close call.

I have to see that all this bloggy stuff has taken off and is way more than I ever thought it could be. I started blogging for me so I could document my journey to my first marathon and it has (like running) turned into so much more and I am LOVING it.  Meeting new people and planning races with fellow moms on the's AWESOME. I am a people person so this is right up my alley and being able to actually meet some of you in person has been so fun and I look forward to meeting more of you in June at Rock'n'Roll Seattle and in the near future.

Had a wonderful run today, Short but sweet. Why is it that sometimes the hardest part is just getting out the door? I would rather stay at home with my family in my warm cozy house then go out in the wet weather and sweat. Well I think that until I get out there and then I love it. I left today without my iPod on purpose so I could just focus and be in the moment. I don't do this much but every time I do it...I really enjoy it. Ran 4 miles in under 40 minutes which is so exciting to me. I will say it again....Endurance and changes your pace and it's so exciting. What I loved about today is I didn't look at my Garmin at all...I just ran and took it easy and enjoyed the time on my feet.

May 30, 2010
Miles: 4
Pace: 9:32
Time: 38:10
Calories: 505

Tall Mom gave me the best DVD to watch, "Ultramarathon Man: 50 Marathons, 50 States, 50 Days "...WOW it was amazing. It documents Dean Karnazes, who run 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 days. It was incredible to watch him take on this amazing journey and so inspiring. It was perfect timing to watch it. I needed a pick me up and some new motivation and this was PERFECT. I actually decided to take a few quotes and write them down in my copy of "Run like a Mother" book so I could remember them. One of my faves was, "It's not the Destination, it's the Journey" which is soooooo true. Time to read the book.

I also finally finished "Run Like a Mother", my mother’s day gift to myself. I LOVED it. It was so great to read about other mom's surviving daily life while continuing to run. I find myself lucky to be able to stay at home with my kids and train for a marathon. I don't think I would be able to do it otherwise. You mom's who work and raise as family and TRAIN for a MARATHON are AMAZING. There was so much I related to in this book and enjoyed. I loved the honesty of Sarah and Dimity. Thanks ladies for being brutally honest. One of the parts that I loved was when Sarah was talking about "Embracing the Pain". I have thought of that so many times when my runs get difficult. It's amazing that when you focus on something and embrace can actually cope with it better. There was a ton more and I would defiantly recommend this book to any and all runners.

I want to give Diana a shout out...She is running 13.1 miles for her longest run yet.  Her last long run before the Rock'n'Roll Half Marathon.  She is going to do great tomorrow (Memorial Day).  You Go Girl!  You can totally do it.


Johann said...

Sounds like lots of fun. Running is fun, blogging is fun, fun everywhere! Life is good!

ajh said...

That sounds like an awesome race with a lot of friends!


YAY! I can't wait! It's going to be so much fun! I really want to see that movie. I read the book about his 50 marathons and loved it!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jill (and Diana) for organizing the team. I am so excited to be a part of it.

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Glad you LOVED the movie, the book is AMAZING! So worth the money, there are so many nuggets of inspiration. I have 50 in 50 and Ultra Marathon Man. I read his race report for the 100 Mile Western States trail run. OMG Jill, WOW oh WOW!! The picture would have been funny, you and Diana all cute and me in my grubbies..

So PUMPED for Sept!!

Lindsay said...

umm yeah. raising kids is a huge task in itself! moms who rear kids & run/train are amazing. superheros for sure.

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