Hi running friends! I will post more about my last 2 runs later, but since we are on spring break I don't have much time to write...or run for that matter. I almost went 4 entire days with no running...but luckily I got a quick 4 mile in so it was only 3 days…whewww…that was close! As I was helping my best friend move into temporary housing while they remodel her sweet digs I realized how life totally gets in the way of marathon training. Do people not realize how important this is? No, but really...do you ever feel like you have this HUGE goal in front of you...like running 26.2 miles but life gets busy and it makes it so hard to stay motivated and to keep training. It's just strange how running can take over your life, but life gets in the way. I love that I have other runners in bloggyland who struggle with the same things and understand!
Ta...ta for now....Chat with you all later!
Some great giveaways I need to check out too...I will post them as soon as I get a few moments. A cool sport bra at Racing with Babes! I know there are more...can't wait to check them out! I love giveaways!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
A record breaking day...in MILES!
A highlight of training for a marathon is running new distances. Yes, that might sound CRAZY to you, but taking those first few steps into unknown territory…unknown mileage is SO exciting to me. Every time my Garmin reads a new distance that I have never run I say to myself “Record Breaking”…yah I am silly that way and YES I really say that to myself. Milestones are big to me and I like them. Today was one of those days…though it wasn’t my original
plan. My training schedule called for 16 and I wasn’t sure when I would get those in since my Saturday is jam packed. The weather was not looking good for Friday, but Sunny for Saturday so I figured maybe I could work it in. I didn’t eat (fuel) for long run on Thursday so I figured with each bite of my sweet treat I was going to be running on Saturday. (picture above is right when I finished my 16 miler...happy and tired and glad to have it DONE)
A couple great things happened when I awoke on Friday morning…Loren was going to work from home (which means he can take Max to school and I can get to the gym as soon as the childcare opens for Cole) and there was NO rain! Since I had to make-up my fuel for breakfast I ate…Chicken and Pasta…best fuel for a long run. I called my friend Diana to have her on deck to get Cole in case I got to the gym after the childcare closed and also warned Loren that he might need to get Max from school because I wasn’t sure if I would be back in time. I had no idea how long this run would take me and I didn’t want to have to sprint up NICE hill at the end. Had my route planned and hoped the weather would hold since I was leaving my jacket and gloves at home.
Due to having a hard 14 miles 2 weeks ago I decided to try out the run/walk method. I have done it before but had stopped training that way while I was training for my 1st half marathon last June. I really liked how it worked but I have such a mental problem for myself walking. Figured that this was going to be a long run and I should try it to see how it goes. I decided to run the first 3 miles and then start 5/1 (run 5 min. / walk 1 min.). I needed to do what was best for me and not worry about time. My only goal was to run 16 miles, so however I could get those 16 miles in…I was going to do it even if my time wasn’t record breaking for me. The sun was shining and I couldn’t be happier. The first few miles went great as I worked up “Mile Long” hill and then I started the run/walk. I felt so good the entire time and was actually enjoying my run. The time and the miles seemed to fly by. I noticed that when it was time for my 1 minute walk I wasn’t quite ready…I was feeling good and had great energy but I didn’t want to mess my times up since I had programmed my Garmin to alert me every 5/1. I was feeling good and thought that my next long run I would adjust my times to 7/1 to see if that helped. My legs felt so strong and I couldn’t believe as I got into the higher miles that they weren’t as fatigued as they usually are. The last 2 miles seemed like forever…why does that happen? The littlest hills seemed huge! Hills in long runs are so mean especially in the later miles…NO FUN! My route worked great and I finished right before NICE hill! I felt so much better after this run then after my 14 miler. I wasn’t as sore or fatigued as I usually am after my long run. I was really excited when I saw that my average pace for my run was 10:32.
This run gave me a lot of confidence that I can do 26.2. Running this way really helped me with my mental issues that I struggle with in my long runs and my energy. I could see myself doing another 10 miles this way and completing my marathon. Feels good when you start realizing that you can run 26.2…not that it’s going to be easy but I’m slowly starting to accept that I CAN and WILL do this. Today’s run really helped! As I start logging longer runs I know that it’s going to keep making the marathon feel more doable. I kept thinking…10 more miles and I will have run a marathon…I can do this….it’s doable. Next week is 18…I can do this!
plan. My training schedule called for 16 and I wasn’t sure when I would get those in since my Saturday is jam packed. The weather was not looking good for Friday, but Sunny for Saturday so I figured maybe I could work it in. I didn’t eat (fuel) for long run on Thursday so I figured with each bite of my sweet treat I was going to be running on Saturday. (picture above is right when I finished my 16 miler...happy and tired and glad to have it DONE)
A couple great things happened when I awoke on Friday morning…Loren was going to work from home (which means he can take Max to school and I can get to the gym as soon as the childcare opens for Cole) and there was NO rain! Since I had to make-up my fuel for breakfast I ate…Chicken and Pasta…best fuel for a long run. I called my friend Diana to have her on deck to get Cole in case I got to the gym after the childcare closed and also warned Loren that he might need to get Max from school because I wasn’t sure if I would be back in time. I had no idea how long this run would take me and I didn’t want to have to sprint up NICE hill at the end. Had my route planned and hoped the weather would hold since I was leaving my jacket and gloves at home.
Due to having a hard 14 miles 2 weeks ago I decided to try out the run/walk method. I have done it before but had stopped training that way while I was training for my 1st half marathon last June. I really liked how it worked but I have such a mental problem for myself walking. Figured that this was going to be a long run and I should try it to see how it goes. I decided to run the first 3 miles and then start 5/1 (run 5 min. / walk 1 min.). I needed to do what was best for me and not worry about time. My only goal was to run 16 miles, so however I could get those 16 miles in…I was going to do it even if my time wasn’t record breaking for me. The sun was shining and I couldn’t be happier. The first few miles went great as I worked up “Mile Long” hill and then I started the run/walk. I felt so good the entire time and was actually enjoying my run. The time and the miles seemed to fly by. I noticed that when it was time for my 1 minute walk I wasn’t quite ready…I was feeling good and had great energy but I didn’t want to mess my times up since I had programmed my Garmin to alert me every 5/1. I was feeling good and thought that my next long run I would adjust my times to 7/1 to see if that helped. My legs felt so strong and I couldn’t believe as I got into the higher miles that they weren’t as fatigued as they usually are. The last 2 miles seemed like forever…why does that happen? The littlest hills seemed huge! Hills in long runs are so mean especially in the later miles…NO FUN! My route worked great and I finished right before NICE hill! I felt so much better after this run then after my 14 miler. I wasn’t as sore or fatigued as I usually am after my long run. I was really excited when I saw that my average pace for my run was 10:32.
This run gave me a lot of confidence that I can do 26.2. Running this way really helped me with my mental issues that I struggle with in my long runs and my energy. I could see myself doing another 10 miles this way and completing my marathon. Feels good when you start realizing that you can run 26.2…not that it’s going to be easy but I’m slowly starting to accept that I CAN and WILL do this. Today’s run really helped! As I start logging longer runs I know that it’s going to keep making the marathon feel more doable. I kept thinking…10 more miles and I will have run a marathon…I can do this….it’s doable. Next week is 18…I can do this!
3.26.10 Stats:
Miles: 16
Pace: 10:32
Time: 2:48
Calories: 2025
Also today I realized how I could not be doing this without the support of friends and family. When I walked into the gym after my run, Diana had already gotten Cole from childcare and was holding him as she was congratulating me on my 16 miles. It made me so thankful that I have people my life that encourage and support me in my goals. I really couldn’t do it without them! I am incredibly thankful and grateful!!!
If you like pictures...You can check out my finish line pictures from my Half Marathon last weekend. I was praising God that I was done and had finished another half marathon as I crossed the finish line!!!
If you like pictures...You can check out my finish line pictures from my Half Marathon last weekend. I was praising God that I was done and had finished another half marathon as I crossed the finish line!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
More Mercer Island fun!
Fun times before the race...about 6 minutes before "GO" time!
My mom was at the finish line and she snapped a couple of photo's before she left!
Silly runners having some fun!
It was so much fun to go to lunch after the race. As much as food sounded yummy...once it came it wasn't as appealing! Oh well chatting it up with old and new friends is the best. We were laughing the whole time. I could get used to running with friends at local races. Brings a fun vibe to the day and the race.
No matter what the outcome of a race is I will always be proud of doing something I never thought I could do. I think everyone I have talked to since the race knows I ran Mercer Island on Sunday. I usually don't tell everyone I talk to about what I have just done...but come on who doesnt' want to know...right? I got a few more pictures and figured I needed to post them.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
I love RECOVERY Runs! Feels good...
Had a great run this morning with my dear friend Diana who is training for her very first HALF MARATHON, the R’n’R Seattle Half. She has been training and has had to take some time off due to serious shin splints. We decided to run together today and we were hoping to get 5 miles in. We got started a little late because we were chatting with our friends at the gym so it meant we had to cut our run together a little short. We had a great run and the sun was shining. We got to catch up since she just got back from a week long family trip. We did a little walking so she could recover from a bad side ache. Why do you get side aches/stiches? I have been getting them too and they are soooo annoying. I have read a few ways to recover and it kind of helps. Do you have any great way to recover from these? PLEASE share! We split up so she could get back and I went on to finish my 5 miles. I ended up meeting a new friend, Sue. I have seen her at the gym but we had never met. She was running back to the gym so we ran back together. She is a little faster pace than me so it helped me finish strong.
I love...love days like this. I wasn't winded at all and had a ton of energy. Hope that same feeling happens on my 16 miler this week!
I love...love days like this. I wasn't winded at all and had a ton of energy. Hope that same feeling happens on my 16 miler this week!
Miles: 5.58
Pace: 10:02
Time: 56:02
Calories: 717
Mile 1: 9:33
Mile 2: 10:03
Mile 3: 10:43
Mile 4: 11:25
Mile 5: 9:04
Mile 6: 9:07
After a tough race mentally this was just what I needed to feel confident about my running. Great runs make up for bad runs! Nice days make me so excited about the coming months and the good spring weather we will hopefully get.
Monday, March 22, 2010
I have so many thoughts and emotions and not sure if I should write everything down...One part of me is really happy with my race at it being my 3rd half marathon...but the other is not. I hate to be negative so let’s just talk about the GREAT stuff! This was the first race that I was doing with no family members running with me (my mom and I ran 2 half marathons together last summer and my dad and I did a Sprint Tri together), but a whole lot of NEW friends which made me excited. I am lucky to live in an area with a handful of local bloggers that have all connected so I was really looking forward to meeting new friends, not just friends, but running friends. I have never gone to a race and know that many people but yesterday I felt like I had a running group. We were all different paces but running the same race which made it so fun.
Many emails where passed around to figure out meet up time, carpool, LUNCH afterwards and so on. Mel and I decided to carpool since we are nervous Nellie’s and wanted to get there with plenty of time. Numerous lessons learned regarding getting there early and being prepared! Note to self…if there is no line at bag check….CHECK your BAG then! Oh well…I always learn things the hard way! It was so much fun riding up to the race with Mel. We haven’t seen each other in a while and it was just fun to catch up on life. We have known each since our elementary days…though she will say since Jr. High…maybe she is trying to forget those days? We grew up in the same town and reconnected when it was time to plan our 10 year high school reunion! Fun times!
We met up with Kerrie, Zoe and Kasey but never ran into Amanda until after the race. It was fun to actually put names to faces and see them LIVE and not just over bloggy land pictures.
Finally we got to the starting position after having to do a little rock climbing. Mel is a little taller than me so I kept asking her to tell me what she could see since I could see nothing! The race started and I felt good! I started to relax and didn’t think I was going out too fast…I would think differently of that at mile 7! The first 6-7 miles went well and I was doing shockingly well for my pace and was excited to see what I could do on this hilly course. The views were amazing and the volunteers were EXCELLENT. I love seeing smiling faces and people encouraging me as I run…it helps me… a LOT! I started to get a little tired and knew I had a hill coming at mile 7. I was wearing my jacket since it was supposed to rain but since we had no rain and I was hot I figured it was time to re-organize. I walked while I got re-situated and took my jacket off. I was worried that starting up again would be hard, but it wasn’t and I had a lot more energy. Was feeling good and then Zoe and Kerrie found me and I ran with them for a few miles. I wish I had more energy to talk but I was so tired that I just listened to Zoe encouraging/pace Kerrie as we ran for a few miles. I needed some more water so I stopped to fill up my water bottle as they ran ahead. I hope my marathon training helps me with the mental aspect as I get into longer miles. I feel good until around mile 9, 10 and 11 and it just gets tougher. Mercer Island was challenging because when those miles come…it gets really hilly. Hills in the beginning of the race when you have the energy are way easier than hills, hard hills at the end. I never thought I would get a great time on this race because of the hills. I do hill training since that is what I have around my house but I know those hills and have run them and know what to expect…the unknowns mess with me when I am tired. Mile 11.5 was a half mile hill and figured I could walk it faster than run it. I was still shocked that my time was OK even though I had walked a little. Sometimes walking can help…though I don’t like to do it and that too messes with my head. In a race I start not to care about times and ask why I am even doing this…Pay…for a RACE???? Am I crazy? Yah I think to be a runner you have to be a little crazy!
I know after the race I will question what I could have done to do better, but it becomes so mental…you know you will wonder "what if"…but you really don’t care when your tired and mentally done. Oh and thanks to the wonderful course planner they had one last gift…a hill at the finish line…so sweet of them! After getting up the hill I saw my MOM and her husband, Pat at the finish line, but I had to go around 2-hula hoopers…NICE! I am sure I would have PR had they not been there…jk! Smiled with my arms raised high…praising God that I finished! I forgot to stop my Garmin…shoot…only by a minute or less.
I waited for my mom and Pat and Mel, Zoe and Kerrie were right there so we got a couple pictures before my mom had to leave. It was so fun having other participants to talk to about the race…right after. We went and got some food and met up at our FANCY meeting place (it was a fancy dumpster shed) and got to congratulate Amanda on her PR and also wish her a Happy Birthday!
A few more thoughts:

We met up with Kerrie, Zoe and Kasey but never ran into Amanda until after the race. It was fun to actually put names to faces and see them LIVE and not just over bloggy land pictures.
Finally we got to the starting position after having to do a little rock climbing. Mel is a little taller than me so I kept asking her to tell me what she could see since I could see nothing! The race started and I felt good! I started to relax and didn’t think I was going out too fast…I would think differently of that at mile 7! The first 6-7 miles went well and I was doing shockingly well for my pace and was excited to see what I could do on this hilly course. The views were amazing and the volunteers were EXCELLENT. I love seeing smiling faces and people encouraging me as I run…it helps me… a LOT! I started to get a little tired and knew I had a hill coming at mile 7. I was wearing my jacket since it was supposed to rain but since we had no rain and I was hot I figured it was time to re-organize. I walked while I got re-situated and took my jacket off. I was worried that starting up again would be hard, but it wasn’t and I had a lot more energy. Was feeling good and then Zoe and Kerrie found me and I ran with them for a few miles. I wish I had more energy to talk but I was so tired that I just listened to Zoe encouraging/pace Kerrie as we ran for a few miles. I needed some more water so I stopped to fill up my water bottle as they ran ahead. I hope my marathon training helps me with the mental aspect as I get into longer miles. I feel good until around mile 9, 10 and 11 and it just gets tougher. Mercer Island was challenging because when those miles come…it gets really hilly. Hills in the beginning of the race when you have the energy are way easier than hills, hard hills at the end. I never thought I would get a great time on this race because of the hills. I do hill training since that is what I have around my house but I know those hills and have run them and know what to expect…the unknowns mess with me when I am tired. Mile 11.5 was a half mile hill and figured I could walk it faster than run it. I was still shocked that my time was OK even though I had walked a little. Sometimes walking can help…though I don’t like to do it and that too messes with my head. In a race I start not to care about times and ask why I am even doing this…Pay…for a RACE???? Am I crazy? Yah I think to be a runner you have to be a little crazy!
I know after the race I will question what I could have done to do better, but it becomes so mental…you know you will wonder "what if"…but you really don’t care when your tired and mentally done. Oh and thanks to the wonderful course planner they had one last gift…a hill at the finish line…so sweet of them! After getting up the hill I saw my MOM and her husband, Pat at the finish line, but I had to go around 2-hula hoopers…NICE! I am sure I would have PR had they not been there…jk! Smiled with my arms raised high…praising God that I finished! I forgot to stop my Garmin…shoot…only by a minute or less.
I waited for my mom and Pat and Mel, Zoe and Kerrie were right there so we got a couple pictures before my mom had to leave. It was so fun having other participants to talk to about the race…right after. We went and got some food and met up at our FANCY meeting place (it was a fancy dumpster shed) and got to congratulate Amanda on her PR and also wish her a Happy Birthday!
A few more thoughts:
- I know to some people walking is not a bad thing…I don’t think so either but it’s so hard for me to feel like I did a good job when I walked…even if it was short. I really think I could have PR had I not done that.
- I am also frustrated because I train on hills and feel like I should be able to do them. I don’t think I have ever run as tough of a course as this one though.
- I surprised myself that I did so well in the first 7 miles…I do feel like I am becoming a better runner and those miles proved that.
We are ready for lunch!
Mercer Island Half Marathon Stats:
Miles: 13.31
Pace: 10:10
Time: 2:15:23
Calories: 1710
The pace on the race report was different than my watch and I couldn't figure out why....then I realzed that they think we ran 13.1 but no...we ran 13.3.
Mile 1: 9:19
Mile 2: 9:27
Mile 3: 9:20
Mile 4: 9:29
Mile 5: 9:44
Mile 6: 9:56
Mile 7: 10:16
Mile 8: 11:44
Mile 9: 10:14
Mile 10: 10:23
Mile 11: 10:52
Mile 12: 11:39
Mile 13: 10:12
Mile 14: 10:02
And there you have it!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Last run before my Race!
Ran with my mom for a short run. Great run before my race on Sunday!
3.19.10 Stats:
Miles: 3.20
Pace: 9:55
Time: 31:42
Calories: 414
Fun times!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Lovely day (sneeze) for a LOVELY (cough) RUN (blow)!
The good news is my sore throat is gone; the bad news is I now have a cold…LOVELY. I feel good and just have to deal with a little coughing and a lot of blowing my nose. I got some medicine today to hopefully shorten the time of my cold…hope it helps.
It was a lovely day here yesterday and after a busy morning I got to go on an 8 mile run. I LOVED it and was so happy because I needed the confidence booster. I decided to go on a normal route plus a little add-on to get some more miles. I chose a route with hills because my half this weekend is HILLY and instead of fearing the hills I decided to be friends with them…I figured if I invite my FRIENDLY hills into my route…maybe they would be kind to me today? And yes…they were…whewww. I had run a few of these hills in January and have not visited them since. That was my first long run of the year and the 7 miles were hard and since then I have not wanted to share my running days with those hills. To get my miles in yesterday I had to reacquaint myself and we had a nice visit! It was a hilly 8.40 miles with a nice downhill at the end, but not nice on the knees! My run felt really good and I didn't look at my Garmin at all. My pace felt good, but I was trying not to worry about it much and wanted to just enjoy the run. I was so happy to see my pace for this distance less than 10 minutes!!! At the end of my run I called my mom (she is visiting) and her and the boys came out to cheer my on as I came in. So fun having a cheering section to begin and end my run. Max has been pleading with me to let him run with me and so we ran our block at the end of my run together. It brings me so much JOY to see him want to run with me…I LOVE it!
It was a lovely day here yesterday and after a busy morning I got to go on an 8 mile run. I LOVED it and was so happy because I needed the confidence booster. I decided to go on a normal route plus a little add-on to get some more miles. I chose a route with hills because my half this weekend is HILLY and instead of fearing the hills I decided to be friends with them…I figured if I invite my FRIENDLY hills into my route…maybe they would be kind to me today? And yes…they were…whewww. I had run a few of these hills in January and have not visited them since. That was my first long run of the year and the 7 miles were hard and since then I have not wanted to share my running days with those hills. To get my miles in yesterday I had to reacquaint myself and we had a nice visit! It was a hilly 8.40 miles with a nice downhill at the end, but not nice on the knees! My run felt really good and I didn't look at my Garmin at all. My pace felt good, but I was trying not to worry about it much and wanted to just enjoy the run. I was so happy to see my pace for this distance less than 10 minutes!!! At the end of my run I called my mom (she is visiting) and her and the boys came out to cheer my on as I came in. So fun having a cheering section to begin and end my run. Max has been pleading with me to let him run with me and so we ran our block at the end of my run together. It brings me so much JOY to see him want to run with me…I LOVE it!
3.17.10 Stats:
Miles: 8.40
Pace: 9:55
Time: 1:23:16
Calories: 1098
800.24– 8.40 = 791.84 miles left to run in 2010
8 miles and feeling good!
Great view...can't really tell from the picture but you can kind of see the water...
Nonie and Cole
My boys!
Max and I running...TOGETHER!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Sick, Race & Hill Repeats!
Yesterday afternoon, about 24 hours after I finally registered for the Mercer Island half...(so I could have lunch with new running friends) I started feeling sick! Really...really? It started with a sore throat and now I feel a little sick to my stomach…GREATTTT. I was so excited to have time to run 8 or 9 miles this morning but had to cancel that plan. It's a perfect day for a run and figured it was a great day for that distance. I am really hoping it's just a morning thing and that I will start feeling a little better this afternoon.
Training never goes as planned, does it? We have to roll with the punches and figure it out daily. After registering for the Mercer Island half I was so excited. The chance to meet new friends; run a beautiful course…doesn’t get much better. Then my excitement turned to doubt as I started doubting if I am ready, have I run enough, is my marathon training working? Maybe I am not running enough during the week? Should I be doing my speed work…I keep putting that off due to time and track availability? I haven’t been lifting weights…would that be helping? Training schedules don’t count in sick time or vacation…shoot! It’s weird how you can feel great about things and then you register for a race and it makes you question the very thing you were feeling confident about. Does this happen to you?
Monday I decided to do hill repeats to replace my speed workout around the track. I think hill repeats might be better for me. Does that sound crazy? We can’t use the tracks around here while school is in session which limits me to weekends, but the hills…they are always so kindly available for me to run. I picked my hill, but first did a warm up. Thought I would run the .25 mile hill…speed up it and then slowly run down, but half way up I figured half would be good so it turned out to be .11…I will take it…and run with it. I did 4 speedy climbs and then decided that was good and went on a nice run before swim class.
Lap 1: 4:07 (.42 Miles...warm-up)
Speedwork Start
Lap 2: 55 (.11 uphill)
Lap 3: 1:02 (down)
Lap 4: 58
Lap 5: 1:07
Lap 6: 58
Lap 7: 1:06
Lap 8: 1:00
Speetdwork End
Lap 9: 10:05 (1 mile)
Lap 10: 10:33 (1 mile uphill)
Lap 11: 45 (450 feet)
Not a typcial speed workout...but it worked for me!
Mercer Island Goals:
Training never goes as planned, does it? We have to roll with the punches and figure it out daily. After registering for the Mercer Island half I was so excited. The chance to meet new friends; run a beautiful course…doesn’t get much better. Then my excitement turned to doubt as I started doubting if I am ready, have I run enough, is my marathon training working? Maybe I am not running enough during the week? Should I be doing my speed work…I keep putting that off due to time and track availability? I haven’t been lifting weights…would that be helping? Training schedules don’t count in sick time or vacation…shoot! It’s weird how you can feel great about things and then you register for a race and it makes you question the very thing you were feeling confident about. Does this happen to you?
Monday I decided to do hill repeats to replace my speed workout around the track. I think hill repeats might be better for me. Does that sound crazy? We can’t use the tracks around here while school is in session which limits me to weekends, but the hills…they are always so kindly available for me to run. I picked my hill, but first did a warm up. Thought I would run the .25 mile hill…speed up it and then slowly run down, but half way up I figured half would be good so it turned out to be .11…I will take it…and run with it. I did 4 speedy climbs and then decided that was good and went on a nice run before swim class.
3.15.10 Stats:
Miles: 3.28
Pace: 9:57
Time: 32:42
Calories: 429
803.52 – 3.28 = 800.24 miles left to run in 2010
Lap 1: 4:07 (.42 Miles...warm-up)
Speedwork Start
Lap 2: 55 (.11 uphill)
Lap 3: 1:02 (down)
Lap 4: 58
Lap 5: 1:07
Lap 6: 58
Lap 7: 1:06
Lap 8: 1:00
Speetdwork End
Lap 9: 10:05 (1 mile)
Lap 10: 10:33 (1 mile uphill)
Lap 11: 45 (450 feet)
Not a typcial speed workout...but it worked for me!
Can you see Mt. Rainier out there...this is my favorite spot to run! Great view!
I loved that my friend, Tall Mom on The Run made goals for Mercer…I will follow her lead!Mercer Island Goals:
- FEEL GOOD! Not sick!
- Not doubt myself and my training up to this point.
- I don’t think I am going to shoot for a PR because it’s hilly and my last hilly half I came in 10 minutes later then my first half that was a lot flatter course. So my goal will be 2:20! Any less will be great...Anything can happen...right!
- Be CALM and ENJOY!
- Stay mentally positive, upbeat and not think that I have to do 2 – 13.1 miles in June. I am hoping it makes me more excited about my marathon.
Monday, March 15, 2010
After our RUN!
3.13.10 Stats:
Miles: 4.64
Pace: 10:58
Time: 50:56
Calories: 594
808.16 – 4.64 = 803.52 miles left to run in 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
"...Can I run a marathon with you?"
"Mom, when I am done with my nap can I RUN a MARATHON with you?"
My 4 year old son, Max is smart! I have been battling with him for an hour today to take a nap and he just opened his door for the millionth time and said the above! You know you’re a runner when your son says that to soften things and to sweet talk you! I had to pause and smile for a moment and then had to inform him that I can't even run a marathon right now, but when he is older I hope we can run a marathon together.
He has been asking all week to run with me. I can't wait until he can or at least ride his bike. And he also keeps asking when he gets to ring the cow bell...because I told him I want him to ring it and the end of my marathon. As frustrated as he can make me...he makes me laugh so much.
Can't wait until we can run together!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
10 Miles with a local Bloggy friend...5 Miles 2 Empty - Amanda!
I had a 10 miler scheduled this week but wasn't feeling too excited about it. My husband has been on vacation, which means...I am too. Running hasn't been as exciting to me this week...maybe it's the weather, maybe it's my lack of routine this week? Not sure! Good thing that I have some local bloggy friends! Amanda lives near me and we have talked about running together before so I was excited when it worked out to do just that...oh and I won her giveaway...so she had to deliver some fun goodies too.
When I woke up on Friday morning and heard raindrops...I wasn't excited. I was hoping it would stop but no luck...I texted Amanda to see if we were still on for running in the rain and she was game so figured it was GO time. Accountability is so important, especially on days that you don't feel like running. I would not have run if I had not run with Amanda. We were lucky that the rain decided to take a break for our run and there was not a drop the whole way! I love the route we ran....it was a perfect 10 miler that brought us from downtown Tacoma to Ruston waterfront and back. Running with new friends is great because you have so much to chat about which makes the miles go by faster. We started off a little fast for me, but figured I would do what I could and I was so happy with my overall pace. I am a slow runner the further I go so figured it would be great to see what I could do running with someone who has a faster pace than me. Thanks Amanda for sticking with me…even though it was slower for you. Running with a local running friend made me excited to run Mercer Island half marathon next weekend. I was up in the air and hadn’t registered but after Amanda mentioned lunch afterwards with everyone…I knew I had to do it. So really…I am running a half so I can have lunch with new, bloggy, running friends afterwards. Totally worth it!
3.12.10 Stats:
Miles: 10.01
Pace: 10:00
Time: 1:40:12
Calories: 1307
Mile 1: 9:08
Mile 2: 9:31
Mile 3: 9:48
Mile 4: 9:55
Mile 5: 10:06
Mile 6: 10:17
Mile 7: 10:29
Mile 8: 10:15
Mile 9: 10:12
Mile 10: 10:26
818.17 – 10.01 = 808.16 miles left to run in 2010
Who doesn't love PICTURES!!! Silly ladies!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Cousins who RUN together, have FUN together!!!
My sweet little niece, Addison turned 1 on Tuesday, March 9th. We are celebrating this Saturday which means my cousin Jenny got to come to town from the East Coast to celebrate Miss Addie’s 1st birthday. Jenny ran the Capital City half marathon a couple years ago so we now talk about running whenever we get together, which is never enough. I realized she was in town early and thought it would be wonderful to get together to do a run together while she was here. I wasn’t sure if she had brought her running gear but figured a quick text would get things going. Was thrilled when she texted back that she had brought them with the intentions of running with me! SWEET! I was so excited because we had so much to get caught up on. I couldn’t wait. Got in my gear and waited for Jenny. When Jenny arrived we go a couple photos…You always have to document the journey…Right….Right! We were going to do my basic 4 miler route. She is training for a 10k with her hubby so it was a perfect distance for her. It was fun to catch up and hear about her job, her marriage (she got married 1-1/2 ago), travels…they have gone on some amazing trip the last year and the crazy snow storm they had. I saw a few of my friends running…what…that never happens. Maybe because it was a different time than my usual running time? I was excited to find out that Jenny reads my blog so we talked about that and she was interested in seeing NICE hill in person which I was more than happy to take her on a real life, tour of hills..by car of course! 4 miles was over before we knew it and I so wished she lived here so this could be a regular thing for us. At least we can look forward to runs when she comes home. We did go on that tour of hills which was fun. Took some more photos’…so fun. Love my cousin and cherished our fun run together. Can’t wait to do it again!
3.9.10 Stats:
Miles: 4.01
Pace: 10:21
Time: 41:28
Calories: 546
822.18 – 4.01 = 818.17 miles left to run in 2010
4 Miles...Thas right....
Yes...we DID 4 and had FUN!
Oh and I totally had to have her try out one of my BONDIBANDS...of course she LOVED it!
Oh and I totally had to have her try out one of my BONDIBANDS...of course she LOVED it!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Running...with MOM...in PORTLAND!
I was so excited to do this run these 6 miles with my mom. Flat, beautiful, by the river and with my mom…priceless. Running new routes always make me a little uneasy and not that excited? Why…I have no idea. The anticipation, the unknown, trying to pace myself when I don’t know where the end is…who knows buy it always plays with my mind. Knowing my routes allow me to visualize I guess.
Anyways…back to my run! I was shocked to see ALL of Portland out and about being active, bikers, runners, walkers…I loved it and totally felt in my element (ok so maybe not all of Portland was out, but a lot). I usually only see a couple runners in my neighborhood so seeing all these active, fellow runners I was IN LOVE. I couldn’t believe the sites and wished I could always run in a great place like this.
Half way through the run my mom told me this was her long run which made me even more excited to help her finish. I was feeling good with my pace and couldn’t wait to see my pace at the end of 6 miles. I didn’t wear my headphones so my mom and I could chat which was a great break to just listen to what was around me and chat it up with my mom about our upcoming week together. As we were coming up to 5 miles a guy past us and said “Great Job” which was so kind and encouraging. I so rarely hear strangers ever say anything on my runs and it usually isn’t “Great Job”… it made my mom and me HAPPY. I was going a little faster than my mom and she told me to run ahead so I could finish strong. I pushed it the last .75 miles and went a little past 6 miles to where the trail finished. It was a great run…I loved it.
Anyways…back to my run! I was shocked to see ALL of Portland out and about being active, bikers, runners, walkers…I loved it and totally felt in my element (ok so maybe not all of Portland was out, but a lot). I usually only see a couple runners in my neighborhood so seeing all these active, fellow runners I was IN LOVE. I couldn’t believe the sites and wished I could always run in a great place like this.
Half way through the run my mom told me this was her long run which made me even more excited to help her finish. I was feeling good with my pace and couldn’t wait to see my pace at the end of 6 miles. I didn’t wear my headphones so my mom and I could chat which was a great break to just listen to what was around me and chat it up with my mom about our upcoming week together. As we were coming up to 5 miles a guy past us and said “Great Job” which was so kind and encouraging. I so rarely hear strangers ever say anything on my runs and it usually isn’t “Great Job”… it made my mom and me HAPPY. I was going a little faster than my mom and she told me to run ahead so I could finish strong. I pushed it the last .75 miles and went a little past 6 miles to where the trail finished. It was a great run…I loved it.
3.7.10 Stats:
Miles: 6.19
Pace: 9:41
Time: 59:55
Calories: 804
828.37 - 6.19 = 822.18 miles left to run in 2010
At the End...
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Maybe I should have kept my big mouth SHUT!
3.4.10 Stats:
Miles: 14
Pace: 10:50
Time: 2:31:48
Calories Burned: 1816
842.37 - 14 = 828.37 miles left to run in 2010
If I hadn't posted that I was going to run 14 miles and all that great stuff last night...I surely would have stopped at 13.5 because I was TIRED! Accountability really helps out sometime even when you don't realize you have accountability. Glad I pushed myself to finish. 2 miles, a half mile really doesn’t seem that long until you have run for 2 hours and just want to stop. It seemed like an eternity and running circles to get in the last mile is not the most fun.
My run started of GREAT and I had my new fuel belt to try out. When I started I thought to myself that maybe trying this out for the first time wasn't the best idea. It kept riding up but after a couple miles I realized that my running jacket wasn't helping the situation so I had to stop and readjust and put the fuel belt under my jacket and then it was great. It would ride up a little but not too bad. I was happy to have my hands free and have plenty of water and Gatorade. I also tried out some new Gu Chomps, the blueberry pomegranate flavor and I loved them. I realized that I need to do 3 waters and 1 Gatorade because when I am running and taking Gu Chomps it's a little too sweet to have both. More water would be great...lesson learned. I loved having the Gatorade at the end so I could drink it while I walked up NICE hill for my cool down.
The first 6 miles went great. I felt good and had great energy. Around mile 9...again I started fading and knew I still had a long way to go. I would end up going pretty slow with any incline and did ok when it was flat or going down hill at all. At mile 11.5 I had to stop and walk for a few minutes to let me legs take a break. My legs felt tired and didn't want to run the rest of the way. I really wanted to get to 14 miles but felt like it was going to be tough. I just kept praying and telling myself that I have ran 3 miles before and I can do it now...doing 3 miles when your tired is a lot different than just running 3 miles for fun...but any motivation at these difficult points in a run can only help. My shoes weren't feeling as cushy as I would have hoped and am not too happy about that since they are new. I think things never feel as good as normal when you body is tired and you are pushing it. I kept thinking how a 12 mile run would be perfect right about now. That's why we train though so we can overcome the difficult times and continue on. I keep thinking how a month ago 10 miles were hard and now that sounds like a dream run. Training the body and the mind to keep going takes work and is tough. I had to walk a couple time in the last few miles but figured whatever I have to do to get my Garmin to say 14 I will do it. My last .5 mile was downhill which was nice. I finished and then walked up NICE hill. My time was slower than I had hoped but probably because I walked. My pace gets so much slower in the higher miles of my run...my body just doesn't want to go that fast when I'm tired. My legs are so achy when I stop…are yours when you’re done with a long run?
Just finished!!! Trying to let you know how tired I was but with a slight smile!
I called my mom and my best friend when I finished letting them know that I was done. I was totally out of breath while I was talking and kept saying how HARD it was. But I DID IT...my furthest run. 14 miles...done! I am scheduled to run 16 next week but I think I will taper down for 1 week and then do the 16 the following week.
Thanks again for all your comments on my blog and HELLO to my new followers! I think a pre-run post will be good for me in the future for accountability. Thank you for all your encouragement for my 14 mile run, it means so much to me. Great hearing from other runners!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
7x2=14....7+7=14...14 Miles!!! 14 miles and some Emotions!
Tomorrow I will run the furthest I have ever run...14 miles! I think the furthest I have run to date is 13.3. Its days like tomorrow that make my heart beat fast. 14 miles may not seem like a big deal to some...but to me it's a big deal. I still remember my first double digit run...do you? It's funny because sometimes when I'm running; on big days like tomorrow I want to tell everyone while I am running..."Hi I am Jill and I am running 14 miles right now...and it's my first time running this distance". It makes me proud to see where I am going, where I have been and the journey in between.
I feel so blessed to have such a great group of people that care about me and support my running. Some of things people have said to me, this week about my running brings tears to my eyes. They have no idea how much it means to me to hear their thoughts and encouragement. Some of these people are very close to me and others don’t know me that well. The encouragement I get from them is HUGE and it makes me want to keep going on this journey. This journey that is more than just RUNNING...it's my life. I started running to lose weight, but like most of us who run it ends up being WAY more than just a physical, healthy thing to do...it becomes our freedom, our passion and more.
Some will never know the feeling of finishing a run that feels like you just ACHIVED something BIG…Big for YOU! (I wish I could be better with my words...my thoughts never seems to translate as well once I start typing.)
Thank you to all of you bloggers who post motivating, inspirations things each day and who encourage me. I love reading your comments....I love it.
Now to go map my 14 miles!
I feel so blessed to have such a great group of people that care about me and support my running. Some of things people have said to me, this week about my running brings tears to my eyes. They have no idea how much it means to me to hear their thoughts and encouragement. Some of these people are very close to me and others don’t know me that well. The encouragement I get from them is HUGE and it makes me want to keep going on this journey. This journey that is more than just RUNNING...it's my life. I started running to lose weight, but like most of us who run it ends up being WAY more than just a physical, healthy thing to do...it becomes our freedom, our passion and more.
Some will never know the feeling of finishing a run that feels like you just ACHIVED something BIG…Big for YOU! (I wish I could be better with my words...my thoughts never seems to translate as well once I start typing.)
Thank you to all of you bloggers who post motivating, inspirations things each day and who encourage me. I love reading your comments....I love it.
Now to go map my 14 miles!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Spring is in the AIR!...and A new BONDIBAND!
I just walked out to get my mail and it smelled LOVELY outside. Smells like Sring..or maybe it's just my dryer sheet...either way I will enjoy it! I had a package in the mail from Lauren at Adventures in Running that had my WINNING BondiBand enclosed. I love it! I am addicted to these things and I probably should be giving this one to my mom since she wants one and I have 4 now but I think this one is cute and I must keep it. Plus I won it so that would be wrong to give it away. Thank you Lauren for this great gift. Please think of Lauren this weekend as she runs the Disney half on March 7th. We will be praying that things go well for you Lauren.
My hubby is working from home today so I though I would get in a run before I had to be at the gym for swimming. I am so excited that it's lighter in the morning so I can start running earlier...well at least I thought I was excited! Figured I would get the run in so I didn't have to rush to the gym with the kids. I planned to go 4-5 miles since it was nice and I didn't have to hurry. Thank goodness I didn't have to hurry because I felt slow. Might be because of my speed work yesterday and that I didn't eat before the run and it was a lot earlier than more normal running time. Whatever it was, it made a difference. The good stuff is that I ran 4.60 miles and it was nice out.
Did a quick warm-up with the jogging stroller. I haven't used this for a long time. I think Cole really enjoyed it...even if it was for less than a mile. My husband had perfect timing and was on his way home as we finished up our warm-up and he walked Cole home so I could do the real work on the track.
Started off great until I had to go to the bathroom...(sorry for TMI) but as a runner I know you get that. Only got 2 fast laps in and 2 recovery laps in. These are hard, but I know they will help me as a runner...They have too!
Lap 1: 7:02
Lap 2: 10:26
Lap 3: 8:16
Lap 4:10:47
I went off so fast for my first lap that I couldn't keep up the pace the rest of lap 1. Knowing that I had more to do I started slowing down. I need to get used to these and learn how to breathe. Do you realize how BIG a track is? I keep forgetting until I have to run fast around them.
My hubby is working from home today so I though I would get in a run before I had to be at the gym for swimming. I am so excited that it's lighter in the morning so I can start running earlier...well at least I thought I was excited! Figured I would get the run in so I didn't have to rush to the gym with the kids. I planned to go 4-5 miles since it was nice and I didn't have to hurry. Thank goodness I didn't have to hurry because I felt slow. Might be because of my speed work yesterday and that I didn't eat before the run and it was a lot earlier than more normal running time. Whatever it was, it made a difference. The good stuff is that I ran 4.60 miles and it was nice out.
3.1.10 Stats:
Miles: 4.60
Pace: 10:31
Time: 48:22
Calories lost: 606
848.85 - 4.60 = 844.25 miles left to run in 2010
Speedwork on SUNDAY 2.28.10
Total miles for the day: 1.88
Did a quick warm-up with the jogging stroller. I haven't used this for a long time. I think Cole really enjoyed it...even if it was for less than a mile. My husband had perfect timing and was on his way home as we finished up our warm-up and he walked Cole home so I could do the real work on the track.
Started off great until I had to go to the bathroom...(sorry for TMI) but as a runner I know you get that. Only got 2 fast laps in and 2 recovery laps in. These are hard, but I know they will help me as a runner...They have too!
Lap 1: 7:02
Lap 2: 10:26
Lap 3: 8:16
Lap 4:10:47
I went off so fast for my first lap that I couldn't keep up the pace the rest of lap 1. Knowing that I had more to do I started slowing down. I need to get used to these and learn how to breathe. Do you realize how BIG a track is? I keep forgetting until I have to run fast around them.
844.25 - 1.88 = 842.37 miles left to run in 2010
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